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Are CBD Treats Safe to Give Your Dog?

CBD (cannabinoid) occurs naturally in the oil that is extracted from the hemp plant. Just like mammals, dogs have receptors throughout their bodies that are linked to what is known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

Just like every mammal, dogs also have an ECS (endocannabinoid system) that handles various processes like sleep cycle, memory, immunity, and other functions of the body which are released by the brain. Now CBD has different flavours and you can buy different flavours of CBD products for CBD Dog Treats – Apple and Peanut Butter via LOP and LOA for the treatment of pets.

Studies show that regular use of full-spectrum oil can significantly increase the anti-inflammatory power of the immune system, resulting in a variety of health benefits for dogs.

CBD full-spectrum:

It is recommended to use full-spectrum hemp oil as it contains some other beneficial herbs besides CBD that also interact with your dog's cannabinoid system. The hemp used for CBD is a non-psychoactive plant, unlike the cannabis plant used for marijuana, which contains a certain amount of psychoactive THC as it is completely safe for dogs.

CBD treats for dogs are mouth-watering bites with the bonus of full-spectrum active organic hemp oil. Not only are they delicious, but CBD treats are nutritional supplements that help to maintain their physical and mental health.

What can CBD help?

CBD can be beneficial for any dog – even perfectly healthy dogs! Some of the health conditions that can be improved include:

  • Fear, situational or chronic

  • Chronic pain

  • Inflammation of the joints

  • Allergy

  • Seizure management

  • Skin disorders