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Bad Credit Car Loans, Fast and Simple

Owning your own car is not only a privilege, but it can also be a valuable necessity that can get you back and forth to work, shopping, and wherever you may need to go. However, if you are among the growing number of borrowers in the United States who have a less than a perfect credit score, you are likely to be under the impression that car ownership is beyond your grasp.

Luckily, there are special lenders who are worried less about your FICO credit score and more about your actually and provable ability to repay them when they loan you money to purchase a car or other automobile. These lenders are accustomed to working with borrowers who have, for one reason or the other, less than the desired credit score for traditional loans. These lenders focus on your length of time of employment and the amount of money you bring home (including the income of your spouse or partner if they are applying alongside on the bad credit car loan) when they make a decision as to rather or not if you are worthy under their guidelines. Check out more info at

Interest Rates On Your Bad Credit Car Loan

Before you apply for your bad credit car loan you should know in advance that because of your bad credit history or you delinquent credit past you will be assessed a higher rate of interest than a typical borrower with better credit. To reduce the rate of interest that is assessed on your poor credit car loan, you have two options.