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Cosmetic Dentistry To Make You Smile

I confess I've had something of a shock. A friend of mine recently had a teeth whitening experience and suggested I found out what a cosmetic dentist in London could do for me. You can also look for best dental veneers in reston.

The city is certainly one of the best places when it comes to choice for pretty much anything, and so I didn't find the experience too hard. What I did find hard though was grasping the fact that today a cosmetic dentist is able to offer so much choice. I never realized how many things there could be wrong with my teeth for a cosmetic dentist to put right!

Let me explain. I set off looking for a cosmetic dentist. London has plenty – in fact, almost every dentist seems to offer cosmetic treatments these days which, in itself, seems to be a change from my childhood days.

As far as I was aware cosmetic dentistry was all about teeth whitening and perhaps fitting braces to your teeth if you happen to have an unfortunate battle for superiority between your teeth, with both sides coming off worst.

However, visiting a cosmetic dentist today can involve a whole array of fantastic technology and amazing treatments. One such treatment that caught my eye was a veneer. I'd never even heard of such a treatment before. As far as I was concerned a veneer was something you slapped on a kitchen worktop.