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Have A look At Sustainable And Eco Friendly Straws

From the U.S. alone, 500 million straws are utilized every day, adding to the 8 million tons of plastic flowing to the oceans annually, which has been a disastrous impact on the planet's marine life.

There are a number of men and women who want straws, like those that are handicapped, so eliminating straws altogether isn't the solution. Plastic straws would be the issue, therefore finding sustainable options is of the utmost importance to avoid any further environmental harm.

Luckily, there are a few sustainable and eco friendly straws out in the industry. If you're prepared to lower your carbon footprint, then go for sustainable straw choices.  To get more information about sustainable straws visit

sustainable straws,

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The Very Best Eco-Friendly Straw Alternatives 

Organic Bamboo Straws

Neatly tucked inside a tote is a pair of bamboo straws and a cleaning brush. The bamboo used is grown sustainably and comprises no dyes or inks. The straws are biodegradable and are reusable as well.

They aren't dishwashers safe, so you'll have to wash them with sterile water before allowing them to warm in a dish rack.

Slender Silicone Drinking Straws

Produced of food-grade silicone, these straws are non-plastic, non-rubber, BPA-free and totally non-toxic. Sized just like a typical plastic sheeting, they are sometimes employed with tumblers, thermoses, water bottles and much more.

Durable and tear-resistant, they are fantastic for children and toddlers. They're also collapsible, which makes them mobile so you do not need to use plastic straws again. Dishwasher safe, they also include a straw squeegee to get a deep clean.