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Learn How to Drive a Car With Manual Transmission

Learning how to drive a car with a manual transmission is difficult at first, but it would be natural as riding a bike. Get more information ‘learn to drive a car efficiently’ ( which is also known as ” เรียนรู้การขับรถอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ” in thai language ) by driving school.

 Getting accustomed to the physical nuances of the stick shift, brake, and clutch is mandatory when you are first learning how to drive. The mind needs to be trained to use the left foot while driving; this is important in order to depress the clutch to move.

Learning how to drive manual it is also confusing to new learners. The driver needs to practice pushing the clutch while shifting gears is important to learn how to drive a manual car. Finally, the gripping will become a habit too. Once a person has a handle on how the clutch and stick shift function together, it is time to hit the road.

Starting a manual transmission requires putting the car in neutral, depresses the clutch and turned the ignition. The emergency brake should be separated at this point in time if not before. Cars must be placed in first gear or reverse to start, and then let it off the clutch slowly.

 Some cars will want the gas to be pressing a little bit to start moving, and others will start driving as fast as loose coupling. Remove the foot from the clutch too quickly will cause the car broke down, and then the whole process must be repeated.

Driving a manual transmission is more about learning the principles of how to use the different parts. Once it is understood, getting the hang of it just a matter of practice in a safe environment. It will not be long before driving the car is second nature, like riding a bicycle.