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Ambulance Service in Kenya

Dealing with emergencies can be very difficult, especially when there are transportation difficulties. 

In a busy city, the streets are always busy, there are people everywhere, and there is an inevitable commotion from pedestrians, making emergency transportation even more difficult. You can also hire ambulance services from best maternity hospitals and gynaecologist in Nairobi, Kenya.

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Understand how ambulances work

Before you even think about calling this number in a private ambulance ad, it's important to first understand how ambulances work in general. 

When someone dials 911, a police officer diverts the call to the local Emergency Medical Services (EMS) office. Once identified as an ambulance, medically trained staff listen to the call assess the situation, and transfer the call to an operator who must then radio the nearest ambulance. 

This course may sound complicated at this point. The aim of the current ambulance service is to take patients to the nearest and most accessible hospital with appropriate facilities to meet the patient's needs.

However, with a private ambulance, the goal is to get the patient to the medical facility of their choice. It usually takes 10 minutes or less for the EMS to take the patient to the designated hospital. 

If you wish to call a private ambulance, you may only do so if you are sure that you have sufficient time to reach a more comfortable and less stressful medical facility without endangering your health.