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The Best Spider Man Comic Book

The Amazing Spider-Man has never been one of my favorite superheroes. Spider-Man has starred in several hits which are considered some of the best comic book films of all time. 

Spider-Man's next hit at the box office was a fresh start, and a new cast with little-known stories emerged. Only time will tell how if he can justify the past glories of his predecessors. You can go to the contact us option to get in touch with the desired website from where you want to buy spider man comic books.

Big Bang Comics

In this story, Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) is a high school boy who was abandoned by his parents many years ago. He could never figure out why they left or where they were, but he hoped to find out one day. After his exposure, he grew up with his Aunt May (Sally Field) and his uncle Ben (Martin Sheen). He lived a normal life with them and never got into trouble, except for the chance to meet high school hooligans.

All this changed on a fateful day. While visiting Oscorp, he is bitten by a spider and strange things happen to him. He gains super strength, agility, and additional talents that let him know when danger is imminent.