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How A Mediation Divorce Lawyer helps in the divorce process

As you might know, divorce is not an easy process. 

Coming to the end of your marriage can feel like losing a best friend or family member, and it can be very difficult to think about what's next without the support of your partner. 

How might a lawyer's involvement change your divorce?

When you are considering a divorce, one of the first things you may consider is who will represent you in court. 

But what if that person is not licensed to practice law?

In mediation divorces, lawyers are often not involved at all. This can be an advantage for couples because it allows them to resolve their disputes without the added stress and time commitment of a legal battle.  If you are considering a Mediated divorce advocate , here are three reasons why hiring a lawyer might not be necessary: 

1. You can negotiate your settlement on your own.   

2. The mediator will help guide you through the process and keep any negotiations confidential. 

3. If there is a dispute about something related to your settlement, the mediator can help mediate that as well. 

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How does mediation work?

Typically, mediation is more affordable and quicker than going to court and can help resolve disputes in a more collaborative manner. While it cannot provide a legal resolution, it can help couples learn more about their options and reach an agreement that they can both live with.