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How To Remove Gum From Carpet?

Children love to chew gum. Even some adults like to chew gum, but fortunately, adults aren't careless when it comes to laying it on the carpet. How to remove chewing gum from your carpet?

This is a question many homeowners ask, and a small section of Google will show you that there are hundreds of home remedies on the internet, but do any of them work?

If you are looking to hire a trusted carpet cleaning company, general outline markers are the best information for you. You can get the best services of carpet cleaning in Uxbridge at Prestige Carpet Cleaning.

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The answer is probably no. Some can remove chewing gum but cause long-term damage to your carpet and are not considered solutions.

The most common way to remove rubber from your carpet is to freeze it with ice and then scrape it off.

This can be done by first sucking the gum to remove any loose parts, and then applying ice to the gum in a plastic bag until it solidifies and hardens, then trying to clean the gum with assistance. Unfortunately, this method rarely works and can often add more gum to your carpet.

Another less obvious way to get rid of chewing gum is with peanut butter, as some claim that the natural oils found in peanut butter can soothe gums.