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Symptoms of Generalization Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition that occurs when an individual experiences excessive levels of worry and nervousness, often manifested in sweatiness, muscle tension, and difficulty concentrating. In this article, learn more about the common signs of generalized anxiety disorder and how to best treat it.

Generalized anxiety disorder treatment typically involves medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a type of therapy that helps patients learn how to manage their worry by changing the way they think about situations. CBT can also help people learn relaxation techniques to reduce stress levels.

There is no cure for GAD, but treatment options are available that can help improve the quality of life for people with the disorder.

There are a few key symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder that can be recognized and measured. They include:

1. A persistent and excessive worry about many things, often to the point of interfering with daily activities or causing significant distress.

2. A persistent and intrusive fear of being anxious or panicked in new or unfamiliar situations.

3. Recurrent episodes of intense anxiety, which cause significant distress or interfere with daily activities.

4. Marked changes in mood, ranging from feeling unusually calm and happy to feeling extremely anxious and depressed.

Medication is also an effective treatment for GAD, and some people find that it works better than other treatments.