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Scenarios To Consider About Genetic Testing

Consider the following situation with regard to genetic testing.

1. Using your family tree, you realize that colon cancer runs in your family. Knowing that the death rate for colon cancer is quite high if you will be tested for colon cancer-specific genes (note: these genes are not a guarantee of colon cancer but do not indicate a greater risk)? You can get more information about genetic testing for cancer on the official website.

If you receive genetic testing and know about your potential risk, it will be easier to take precautions and protect you and your family from the risk that the future is not dependent on luck. What factors will influence your decision?

2. You, as a woman (or a woman you care, if you are a man), carry breast cancer genes BRCA1 or BRCA2, or you have a family history of breast cancer. Are you considering a mastectomy to try to ensure the disease does not develop? 

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It has proven effective therapy, reducing the risk of breast cancer and deaths by 90%. However, even some high-risk women never actually develop the disease.

You are much less likely to take action if you don't even know if you are at risk. Genetic testing can at least make you aware of the potential risks you – after that, you probably will definitely take steps to heal if you can.

Some experts recommend that anyone considering genetic testing should undergo genetic counseling first. Genetic counselors are trained to analyze the history of the family and evaluate the risk of developing or passing along an inherited disease.