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Lesson to Learn From Bhagavad Gita

"It's better to live your own destiny badly than to imitate someone else's life perfectly." – Bhagavad Gita

The quote above really explains how you can live your life. Now think about how many of us preach this principle in our lives. There are lots of things that you can learn from bhagavad gita. But you must know the ways to learn Bhagavad Gita.

Discounts on the things you do in your life. Take a moment and think about it. Come back and see how you do all the things that are selfish, say all the evil things and spread the negative wherever you go.

In the competitive and digital times we live in, we want to reach everyone and may be underestimated by obstacles that can cross our path. Being evil, selfish, rude, and greedy is the nature of the current generation.

Most of us do not know a word of what is written in the Bhagavad Gita. When our adults try to teach us something about this, we try to avoid it by showing no interest. Mobile phones have become our permanent friends and we are used to playing violent games.

If you compare your life with the elders, you will see the difference. They are far more equipped with knowledge about how to live life. They might not have the luxury of Google and get all the answers to complicated things, but they are aware of the Bhagavad Gita's profound teachings.

The question is how the current generation can master it with these profound teachings. The answer is simple, of course Bhagavad Gita.