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Patient Hoists for the Disabled in Australia

Care providers face many challenges every day. The patient hoist is often required where lifts and transfers are required. For example, move the patient from a chair to a bed, bathroom, or toilet. Choosing a right system for patient care is very important. For this, you can also contact best disability equipment providers at

Several lifting systems are available in the market and manufacturers around the world are developing new lifting equipment that will make it easier to lift and transfer patients.

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The question is: how do you choose the right product for you?

Lifting and transferring products are divided into 3 main types. Ceiling lifts (sometimes referred to as upper lifts), floor lifts, and wall lifts.

  • Fixed ceiling lifts

The following track configurations are available with ceiling lifts. Like the straight track, X-Y or H-rail, room-to-room rail system, curves, Y-link, turntable, gate, heat exchangers and portable rail.

  • Movable floor lift

Floor lifts can be less expensive than ceiling lifts and are suitable for use in general maintenance areas – as a backup for the main ceiling unit. There are no mounting paths, meaning your floor or wall is not damaged and can be lifted off the floor. This makes the floor lifts an excellent choice for temporary use while on vacation or for casual visitors.

  • Wall lift.

It is cheap, versatile and easy to install. The lift can be portable with an additional wall bracket and is especially useful in bathrooms where space comes first. The device is equipped with a waterproof control headset, electronics and a circuit board.

As you can see, the patient removal market can be very confusing because of the large number of options and manufacturers available.