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What to Expect in the Police Academy

If you have been offered the position of law enforcement by the police department, the next step you will be attending the police academy.

Here's what you need to know about attending a police academy in preparation to become a law enforcement officer:

How long does it take to go through the police academy? Each academy and countries have their own requirements, but generally, it will take about 6 months to complete the training at the police academy. 

Will attending the police academy training cost you anything? Actually, for attending and graduating from the police academy required for your new job as a law enforcement officer, you do not have to pay to attend, rather you will receive your full starting salary when you will start the training at the academy. You can know more about the same via

If you attend the police academy without a job offer on the spot, you will have to pay tuition, although sometimes you can get partial reimbursement for tuition if you get a law enforcement job after attending the academy. The average cost of tuition for a police academy is $ 6,700.

Are there different types of police academy? Yes, there are several different types of police academy. There is an official state police academy, and there are also independent, approved police academy conducted at a local community college or other educational facilities. Some departments have their own academy that you will be asked to present it as a new recruit for the department.

In some police academy you will live by reason of the academy for a week during your training, while with others you can live at home and attend classes for eight hours a day or during the night.