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My Story Of Becoming A Detective In Jakarta

Detective stories have always been one of my favorites. They are intriguing, full of excitement and suspense, just like how I want stories to be. Detective stories compelled me to become a detective because the pleasure of solving mysteries and finding criminals is something else, something that I can’t even explain. One has to become a detective and solve cases in order to feel it. In order to become a detective, one has to obtain a degree in law because a detective needs to be aware of the laws before commencing his/her job, or else, things could go against him/her.

I had given great thought about this profession because my heart was totally into it, but my brain was a bit sceptical because I wasn’t sure whether I’ll be able to learn all those technicalities that people need to understand while studying law. The journey of becoming a detective was definitely not going to be easy, but then there is a friend of mine, who is detektif swasta Jakarta. He told me about the intricacies of the field and motivated me about being a detective. His words hit me hard and inspired me to pursue law and become a private detective. I am almost done with the studies and now approaching to become a detective soon.