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What Things You Should Concern Before Hiring Campervan?

Campervan floor will get dirty, no matter how often you clean it, and especially after it rains, do not buy costly and be precious about it while you are traveling, just clean it up the best you can before you get back. They will provide you a little brush.

If possible, give an hour to clean the van before you come back, avoiding the cost of cleaning. Sometimes you will not even know you have been charged a cleaning fee to appear on the days your credit card after you returned it.

You need to check the vehicle thoroughly before you leave the depot. If you want to rent your caravan then you can explore various online sources.

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Most of the time you will get a report of damages done by the company on the vehicle showing where the damage is but it is from the start because you’re the things you neglected have to pay extra charges.

Bring to the vehicle and check for damage that you see. I cannot tell you how many times I've found these things to be one of the vehicles that are not in the report prepared by the campervan hire company. Make sure all the marks and scratches that are already on the vehicle are in that report damage or you will pay for them.

If you want to be extra careful, take a photo of your vehicle as well. You may feel like a gimp does but there are hundreds of stories about people who are subjected to dings, scratches and other damage they swore they did not do. Bring them again when you get to the drop off depot.