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The Basics of Green Pest Control

Green pest control does not mean ineffective pest control; Instead, Integrated Pest Management, or IPM. A pest control company implementing an HDI believes that prevention, awareness, and education of customers and building inspectors are as important as pest control.

What is Green Pest Control?

Integrated pest control begins with studying how and why pests enter a home or building. Professionals in this field know the life cycle of pests and their favorite nesting sites. In this way, they can use innovative techniques to prevent pests that are least harmful to plants, property, pets, and people. You can also opt for pest control via

Benefits of green pest control

Green pest control products are made from organic and natural ingredients. In addition, this product is designed to be biodegradable and just as effective as non-green products.

Green pest control practices help improve plant health and structure by providing a bio-based alternative to chemical sprays. The control tactics used in IPM are harmless and therefore reduce the environmental risks often associated with traditional pest control such as B. Groundwater contamination. HDI also helps reduce the risk of infection and is a cost-effective solution.

When pest prevention methods are not effective on their own, control methods are needed. When professionals use control methods, they first evaluate their risks and effectiveness. First, the least risky methods are used, such as traps or the use of pheromones to interfere with marriage. If the thresholds set indicate that these methods are not effective, the control process then shifts to the use of pesticides in the target area.