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The Happiness of Modeling Warhammer 40k

Assembling Warhammer Army models is a favorite aspect of the hobby for many people and one that sets our models apart more than just toys. The model is something that you create yourself. 

Once you build your first model, your creativity and your mind will surprise how to further imprint your brand on the model. You can get more information about Warhammer 40k models game at

Therefore, the model as a toy is yours and will worry more about it when you assemble it, stick your own stamp on it and mark it forever as not just a Warhammer toy but your Warhammer toy. This is one of the many reasons why this is one of the best military strategy games ever.

Conversion is a process that can be as simple or as complex as you want. From a simple swap of parts to give the thumbnail a different look, to a near-perfect transformation that results in a pattern that barely resembles the original. 

For many, this is the high point of the hobby as it allows them to create a physical story about the army they built. 

Another reason for the conversion is that some of the players included assembling the plastic model more easily than the metal model. 

Of course, each has different benefits, metal models offer a much wider range of details that will be useful when choosing a model that will represent your hero or army hero. 

Plastic, on the other hand, is much less plastic, which allows experienced model makers to mold it into any shape.