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From Cold Brew to Cappuccinos: The Top Trends in Event Coffee Service

Coffee is a staple at events of all kinds, from conferences and meetings to weddings and parties. In recent years, event coffee service has evolved beyond the traditional pot of drip coffee to include a variety of trendier options that cater to different tastes and preferences. If you're looking to impress your guests with a caffeine fix they won't forget, here are some of the top trends in event coffee service to consider:

Cold Brew Craze

Cold brew coffee has been gaining popularity in recent years for its smooth and less acidic taste. It is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period, usually 12-24 hours, and the result is a highly caffeinated and flavorful drink that can be served over ice. This trend has made its way into event coffee service, with many catering companies offering cold brew as a refreshing option for guests.

Benefits of Cold Brew at Events:

  • Refreshing and energizing drink option
  • Less acidic than traditional hot coffee
  • Can be easily customized with syrups and milk alternatives
  • Perfect for summer events or outdoor gatherings

Specialty Coffee Bars

Instead of a standard coffee station, many event planners are opting for specialty coffee bars that offer a variety of coffee options and brewing methods. From pour-over stations to espresso bars, these setups allow guests to customize their coffee experience and enjoy high-quality brews made to order.

Features of Specialty Coffee Bars:

  • Professional baristas creating custom drinks
  • Opportunity to showcase different coffee beans and flavors
  • Interactive and engaging experience for guests
  • Can include latte art demonstrations for added entertainment

Nitro Cold Brew on Tap

Nitro cold brew takes the cold brew trend to the next level by infusing the coffee with nitrogen gas, which gives it a creamy texture and a frothy head, similar to that of a stout beer. Many coffee companies now offer nitro cold brew on tap, making it a trendy and visually appealing option for event coffee service.

Advantages of Nitro Cold Brew:

  • Unique and eye-catching presentation
  • Smooth and velvety texture
  • Enhanced flavor profile compared to regular cold brew
  • Can be served as is or mixed into coffee cocktails

Artisanal Coffee Roasters

Event planners are increasingly turning to artisanal coffee roasters to provide their guests with a truly exceptional coffee experience. These roasters specialize in sourcing high-quality beans, roasting them to perfection, and brewing them using specialized methods to bring out the best flavors in each cup.

Benefits of Artisanal Coffee Roasters:

  • Emphasis on quality and sustainability
  • Unique and complex flavor profiles
  • Opportunity to educate guests on coffee origins and brewing techniques
  • Supporting small businesses and local roasters

Plant-Based Coffee Options

With the rise of plant-based diets and lifestyles, event coffee service has also seen a shift towards offering non-dairy milk alternatives such as almond, soy, oat, and coconut milk. These options cater to guests with dietary restrictions or preferences and provide a dairy-free alternative for traditional coffee drinks.

Popular Plant-Based Coffee Additions:

  • Almond milk for a nutty and slightly sweet flavor
  • Soy milk for a creamy and rich texture
  • Oat milk for a smooth and neutral taste
  • Coconut milk for a tropical and slightly sweet twist

From cold brew to cappuccinos, event coffee service has come a long way from the standard pot of black coffee. By incorporating these top trends into your next event, you can impress your guests with a coffee experience that is sure to leave them buzzing.

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