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Why Make a Business Plan?

In many cases, a business plan is very important but often it is a plan to try to convince others that you know what you are doing with your business such as banks, investors, partners, etc. Now it is true that a well-written business plan can also be of great benefit to your success as well if done correctly.

It can guide you and keep you on track and can be the vehicle to make you who you want to be, especially with so many outside troops now days bombarding you.

A plan can be very important for your success especially when you look at statistics that say 51% of small businesses fail around the first 5 years. You can also check out a video review of Sam Ovens.

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So why make a business plan? We want to show you a completely different type of business plan. What if you make a business plan that only focuses on what you want for your life? You have dreams about what you want from your lifestyle, right?

Why not make a business plan that can give you that dream? What your business looks like if it gives you what you want in life. What kind of salary does your business need to provide? Why not build a business plan?

Decide how much salary you need to support your dreams and then build a business plan that will show you exactly how your business can give you that. Isn't it better to have your business work for you than vice versa?

Have you ever stopped and thought about how unique your position as a business owner is? I don't know of any other way you can have control of your success. When you work for someone else, you are totally dependent on how your future is.