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“The Ultimate Guide to Squirrel Removal: Safely and Humanely Handling Squirrel Infestations in Nassau County”


Dealing with a squirrel infestation can be frustrating and challenging, especially if you live in Nassau County. Squirrels are adorable creatures, but they can wreak havoc on your property, causing damage to your home and garden. It's important to handle squirrel infestations safely and humanely to protect both the squirrels and your property. Here's a comprehensive guide to the best squirrel removal in Nassau County.

Identifying a Squirrel Infestation

The first step in squirrel removal is identifying whether you have a squirrel infestation on your property. Signs of a squirrel infestation include hearing scratching or scampering noises in your attic or walls, finding chewed wires or insulation, and noticing squirrel nests in your trees. If you spot any of these signs, you likely have a squirrel problem that needs to be addressed.

Understanding Squirrel Behavior

Before attempting squirrel removal, it's essential to understand squirrel behavior. Squirrels are clever and agile creatures that can find their way into even the tiniest gaps and openings. They are also very territorial and will defend their nests vigorously. Keep these behavior traits in mind when developing a squirrel removal plan.

Preventing Squirrel Entry

The best way to handle a squirrel infestation in Nassau County is to prevent the squirrels from getting into your home in the first place. Ensure that your property is well-maintained, with no overhanging branches or trees close to your house. Seal any cracks or openings in your roof, walls, and foundation to prevent squirrels from gaining entry. Install sturdy mesh coverings on vents and chimney openings to block squirrel access.

Trapping and Relocating Squirrels

If you already have squirrels inside your home, trapping and relocating them may be necessary. Live traps are effective in capturing squirrels safely. Place the traps near areas where you have seen squirrel activity, such as around trees or in your attic. Once captured, release the squirrels at least five miles away from your property in a suitable wooded area. Be sure to check local regulations regarding squirrel relocation.

Using Squirrel Repellents

As a preventative measure, squirrel repellents can help deter squirrels from entering your property. Natural repellents such as cayenne pepper, peppermint oil, or predator urine can be sprinkled around your home and garden to discourage squirrels. However, keep in mind that these methods are not always effective and may need to be reapplied regularly.

Professional Squirrel Removal Services

If you're dealing with a persistent squirrel infestation or don't feel comfortable handling the removal process yourself, it's best to hire a professional squirrel removal service in Nassau County. These professionals have the knowledge, tools, and experience to safely and effectively remove squirrels from your property. They can also provide advice on squirrel-proofing your home to prevent future infestations.

Preventing Future Squirrel Infestations

Once you have successfully removed squirrels from your property, it's crucial to squirrel-proof your home to prevent future infestations. Trim tree branches that are close to your house and install squirrel-proof bird feeders to discourage squirrels from coming back. Regularly inspect your home for any openings or cracks that squirrels could use for entry and seal them promptly.


Squirrel removal in Nassau County requires a combination of prevention, trapping, and deterrent methods. By identifying a squirrel infestation early and taking appropriate action, you can safely and humanely handle the problem. Whether you choose to handle squirrel removal yourself or hire a professional service, it's important to prioritize the safety of both the squirrels and your property.