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Understanding The Levels Of Contractor Accommodation In London

There are many factors that can affect the costs of a project, however, you should not overlook the cost of accommodation when putting together your budget and estimating how long a project will take. 

There are a few different types of accommodation that contractors can use while working in London. The three main types of accommodation are furnished apartments, shared apartments, and bed and breakfasts.

Who can access contractor housing in London?

When looking for contractor accommodation in London, there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, if you are a contractor who is registered with the Council Of Contractors (CoC), you are automatically eligible to access CoC contractor accommodation in London. 

Secondly, if you are a self-employed contractor, it is important to understand the levels of accommodation that are available to you. In general, self-employed contractors can access lower levels of accommodation than regular employees, and they may also have to pay more for their accommodation. 

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Why rent a property when you can own it with a mortgage?

Here are three reasons why you should consider buying a property rather than renting: 

1. You can save on rent: Owning your own home means that you can control the cost of your accommodation, which means that you can save money each month.

2. You can live anywhere in London: If you want to live in a particular part of London, renting will likely not be an option because rental prices there are often much higher than average prices for homes in that area. 

3. You can get help from the government when it comes to buying a home.