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A Brief Overview Of Hookah Charcoals

Hookah charcoal is often used to heat shisha, a type of flavored tobacco, in a hookah pipe. The burning of hookah charcoal is an essential part of the hookah smoking process. Charcoal comes in many different shapes, sizes and types. Some types of charcoal are made from wood and others from coconut shells. The type of charcoal used will depend on the type of hookah and the quality of the shisha being smoked.

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Hookah charcoal are typically sold in either cube or round form. Cubes are easier to light and provide a more consistent burn. Round charcoal, however, may provide more intense heat and a longer burn time. When lighting the charcoal, a charcoal lighter or grill is usually used. This helps to ensure that the charcoals are lit evenly and that the heat is distributed evenly throughout the hookah bowl.

When the charcoals are lit, they should be placed in the hookah bowl. The heat from the charcoal will then heat up the shisha, creating the smoke that is inhaled through the hookah pipe.

It is important to make sure that the charcoal is being lit properly and that the heat is being distributed evenly. This will ensure that the shisha is heated evenly and that the smoke is not too hot or too cold.

In addition to the different types of charcoal, there are also different types of hookah coals available. Natural charcoals are unprocessed, while quick-light charcoals are pre-processed and are easier to light. Quick-light charcoals also produce less smoke than natural charcoals.