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How Does Dry needling Therapy Work?

Dry Needling therapy (DNT) is an advanced and specialized manual therapy approach to the treatment of myofascial pain and dysfunction. It is the application and insertion of fine needles, similar to those used in acupuncture, into the musculoskeletal system to deactivate trigger points and to alter dysfunctional neurological (nerve) and pain reporting mechanisms.

DNT is a primary modality of clinical myotherapy, a branch of manual medicine that focuses on treating and managing musculoskeletal pain; pain arising from the muscles, joints, and associated connective tissue. 

DNT is also practiced by many varied medical and allied health professionals including Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, and Medical Doctors. You can find the best services of dry needling physiotherapy by browsing online.


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DNT is used in the treatment of a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions including acute and chronic pain, biomechanical dysfunction, and postural issues. It has been shown through research to be one of the safest and most highly effective modalities in the treatment of pain, especially that relating to back, neck, shoulder, and limb pain, and can assist in many causes of headache and sciatic problems.

Although DNT and acupuncture use the same tool in the single-use needle, they differ in philosophy. DNT differs in that it focuses specifically on the biomedical causes of musculoskeletal pain within the body, stimulating the body's own pain reporting mechanisms in the nervous system and assisting to turn it down.

DNT does this by increasing blood flow, feeding oxygen and nutrients to tissues, removing toxins and debris that irritate and stimulating the body to release its potent pain-killing hormones such as endorphins and dopamine. DNT assists to treat the pain and dysfunction at the cause thereby removing the reason for it to exist.


When Do You’ll Need Physical Therapy?

If you have recently had a work-related injury, collapsed, accident, or been hospitalized for cardiovascular disease, you may be wondering if and how physical therapy can help you. You can consult a physical therapist for specialized care for your physical therapy needs.

When do you need physical therapy?

If you have recently been treated for an accident or illness, they may offer physical therapy to help you recover. Other people who have had the exact same types of injuries repeatedly or find recovery is not progressing on their own may also choose to see a physical therapist encourage greater recovery.

People often seek the help of a physical therapist with back and knee injuries, shoulder and neck problems, sprains and strains, and hip fractures.

In addition, physical therapy has also proven beneficial for pregnant women, as well as for those who have recently given birth or for others who are recovering from surgery.

Elderly people who are also recovering from a stroke are also often referred to a physical therapist to regain use of certain muscle groups and restore function lost in multiple locations. There are many types of physical therapists who can help people from almost any group.

For patients with back injuries, hip fractures, and those with other types of fractures, an orthopedic physical therapist can assist with recovery, reduce the risk of injury to the exact same area again, and also shorten the healing time. This type of physical therapist also helps with various sports injuries.